Uploading this map mod to any other host or site is not allowed without permission. Editing the map mod is only permitted for personal use and uploading your edited version is prohibited. Users who violate these rules will be warned and, if repeated, the map will no longer be available publicly. Updates and news will only be accessible in a private group on Facebook. Thank you for downloading the map.
Map Maker: Rob Viguurs. Member of 246 Studios
Changelog: The new version includes the addition of Nenana and Anchorage cities! HDR has been added as well. Road improvements include ice lakes and there are many new details such as different trees and objects. You can now start in Atlantica and Fairbanks. Note that more cities and roads will be added in future updates. Please be aware that this map mod is not compatible with other maps when using the module for realistic time and distance. However, if you choose to play without the module, the map will be compatible with other maps and you can continue using your last profile.
Installation instructions:
Step 1: Carefully read this readme.
Step 2: Place the “USA offroad alaska map v1.2” folder by Rob Viguurs into your “documents” folder -> “American truck simulator” -> “mods” folder.
Step 3: Start the game and create a NEW profile.
Step 4: Activate the mod in the mod manager.
Step 5: Select the game MODULE “USA offroad road” (Note: the map will not work if you do not select the game module. The game module is located at the bottom of the screen when you select your truck and name).
Step 6: Play the game.
Extra: If you want to use the economy mod v0.3, please note that it is only compatible with the module version. If you use the NO MODULE version, you will have very short delivery distances but higher prices. The economy mod is optional and not required to run the map mod.
Installation instructions NO MODULE:
Step 1: Carefully read this readme.
Step 2: Place the “USA offroad alaska map v1.2” folder by Rob Viguurs into your “documents” folder -> “American truck simulator” -> “mods” folder.
Step 3: Start the game.
Step 4: Activate the mod in the mod manager.
Step 5: Play the game.
For more information, assistance, or to contact me, please reach out via Facebook: Rob Viguurs or Gmail: [email protected]. Happy trucking! 246 Studios
246 Studios, map artist: Rob Viguurs.