ATS Other

PHYSICS V0.1 BETA [1.29.X]

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Greetings. I spent time rummaging through the file physics.sii, where I primarily modified the cab suspension. Minor adjustments were also made to the front and rear truck suspension to present it slightly softer. This was because, in ATS, trucks felt more like a stiff structure and seemed overly rigid, which didn’t sit well with me. I’ve also tweaked the brake parameters and their ratio. This mode now includes a pneumatic seat, augmenting realism when observing from the first-person cockpit perspective. I’ve set the version number to 0.1 as it’s my debut mod and it’s beta because I intend to refine it based on my preferences and feedback from you. I eagerly await your thoughts and impressions!

NOTE Truth be told, the physics.sii file doesn’t allow for a completely realistic adjustment of cab suspension parameters. In reality, most American tracks rigidly mount the cabin in the front and utilise a pneumatic cushion at the back. However, in ATS, the physics.sii file parameters are interdependent. If the front cab is made rigid, it loses its course and the back does the same. Achieving only a resemblance of realism is the best we can strive for, which was my aim here. It’s likely that this functionality was just ported over from ETS by the developers, which isn’t a perfect fit for this game.

Game version: 1.29.x

Roman Skripnikov
Real Diesel Prices C2C v 2.3
Momo’s Physics 6.1 Geometry

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