ATS Parts / Tuning

COMBO V18.I.23 Part

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COMBO V18.I.23 Part

IMPORTANT! You have the option to not use these mods and delete them from your PC. You are authorized to distribute these mods on your own.

= American Truck Simulator ver.1.30.x =

When creating this mod, parts of mods were used:
_ XEBEKzs – advisor
and other mods whose authors I am unaware of

All in archive – ATS_combo-mod_ver.18.I.23.rar (~50mb)
This COMBO-MOD – MASSSM_ATS_ver.18.I.23.scs
contains changes for:

—– MARSSS ——
M – Mirror – (position and size)
A – Advisor – (position)
S – Sound – (refills, messages, etc.)
S – Sleeping – (2h 30m time)
S – Steering – (turning radius)
M – Music – (in menu)

From the combo-mod, you can delete the following (except M – mirror) if not needed:
A – advisor
S – sound
S – sleeping
S – steering
M – music

_ _ _ MANUAL _ _ _
Simply run the CMD-file:
— #_edit_combo-mod.cmd
and select the ones you want to delete (only for Win-x64, for Win-x32 – ???)
The CMD-file will create a new mod, with the name:
— Edit_Mxxxxx_ATS_ver.18.I.23.scs

To use the original mod:
— MASSSM_ATS_ver.18.I.23.scs
the CMD-file needs to be placed next to it.

Realistic Lighting 2 JBX – Preset v1.9.7 (Reshade and SweetFX)
Engine + Sound

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