VOLVO VNL 670 V1.6 [1.29.X] MOD Truck
– Autonomous
– Version 1.3 sale of Volvo car dealerships in the cities of San Francisco and Las Vegas. The author made them separate.
– Interior
– Painted
– There is a skin
Version 1.6:
-Adapted to v1.29
-Added device Wpass with working lights.
-Added animation of buttons of blocking of differential.
-Added indicator the cruise control.
-Added indicator of the sloth trailer
-Added support for animated flags.
Ventyres, ZilpZalp, Nordisch, cZak, Samson, Scania124L, loogie, kamaz aka, Snekko, TruckManiac, Peerke 145, vovangt4, Martinezio
Ventyres, ZilpZalp, Nordisch, cZak, Samson, Scania124L, loogie, kamaz aka, Snekko, TruckManiac, Peerke 145, vovangt4, Martinezio